Welcome to the blog of Sam Morgan, a designer/maker based in london and the face behind Spinifex. He produces eco-friendly furniture and products for the home. Please feel free to post any feedback on spinifex, furniture, materials or anything else you wish to talk about.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Up maket delay.

Apologies to anyone who tried to find Spinifex at the 'up' market. We were denied a space at the last minute. To make 'up' for this Spinifex will have an even wider choice of products available directly from the stall. Fingers crossed it will go ahead as of 04/12/05.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Blue fingers

I’m fighting with the keyboard to bring you the latest on events from Spinifex. The heating is out of action and my fingers are becoming blue. This turns my mind to installing solar power heating in the studio that would lessen the chances of being cut off for not paying the bill. It would actually mean I could sell power back to the grid. Oh, and save on the worlds resources!

Spinifex has just finished two back-to-back events, the first in Cornwall and the other in London. I await feedback on the Salt gallery show in Cornwall from fellow designer/makers based in the capital. Unfortunately I was unable to escape the grasp of London and had to prepare for the London art and design show. The chance to get away would have been nice but the hard work has paid off and Spinifex had a fantastic time at the event. The location was a stunning arts & crafts style building close to Russell Square. Work was installed in the smaller rooms and stands were built for exhibitors in the gymnasium. The final effect was a labyrinth of rooms full of exciting pieces of art and design.

Well, That is almost it for 2005. The final few outings for Spinifex this year will be down to the Sunday Up market on Brick lane. Hope you can make it.

Keep clicking on the site there is more to come.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Preparation for LADS

This is just a quick update to keep in touch. I'm busy preparing for the London Art & Design Show. Everything is on course for an excellent event. Well, almost everything!

Once this is done and dusted I can relax abit before chrimbo. I treated myself to tickets to see Bob Dylan next week. I guess you have to see him before he goes. He's almost at retirement age but I know that won't stop him. Incidently, the MOW candle/vase is named after one of his tracks. I'll give you a clue it's on Free wheelin'!

Don't forget if you live close to Hayle, Cornwall pop into the Salt Gallery. Spinifex has work on show as part of Hidden Arts lauch of their cornish franchise.

Thanks for visiting