Welcome to the blog of Sam Morgan, a designer/maker based in london and the face behind Spinifex. He produces eco-friendly furniture and products for the home. Please feel free to post any feedback on spinifex, furniture, materials or anything else you wish to talk about.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

day 26

This maybe my final posting. I'm in Kolkata before I fly home early on Thursday morning. The time has breezed past and I wonder what I've learnt. It would be nice to have abit of time to reflect but it's straight back into the fire when I return. Maybe I can find some time on the plane?

Kolkata is great. I'd heard it was a crumbling mess. At best other travellers had said it was OK. I'm amazed at how well this city functions. Besides the usual modes of transport it has a tram and underground system. They are constructing huge flyovers in some parts to get traffic over the most congested spots. The congestion I think has led to an awareness of traffic pollution. It's either that or a desire to save petrol (money), because most drivers turn off their engines when stuck at the lights. Either way it helps cut back on having to breath in polluted air. Having said that the air quality in general isn't great here.

Such a vibrant place has given rise to a high proportion of the rich living here. I can't say that is a fact but I have been shown around by friends here and it seems the clubs and societies left by the British are still in full swing under Indian operation. The old viceroys house is still inhabited by the Govenor of West Bengal. On a few occasions we have had problems purely because people want to abuse their position. I thought it was to do with baksheesh but I now realise it was purely because they could.

These are only surface opinions. I'd like to stay here longer. It is somewhere I could get along with.


Monday, March 14, 2005

Day 18

Sorry I've not written anything in a while. I've been a little ill (and still not top-notch) plus it's difficult to find good internet connections. Having said that there are enough of them, they're just slow. Thinking about it that kind of sums up my view of india. Anything is available it just won't be brand new or the type you wanted. Everything works, just.

I've been through Khajuraho, Varanasi and Bodhgaya since I last wrote. All spectacular in their own way. Varanasi is an amazing place. The ghats (steps that lead to the Ganga river) really bring home the strength of the faith in this country. My personal view of the riverside is that it needs major restoration and the river is seriously polluted but that dosen't stop people jumping in first thing in the morning to bathe in the holy waters. I believe there view is that holy water can't be polluted and the river will wash all rubbish and sewage away. They believe in religion not science. The old town is brilliant. Lots of tiny lanes and small stalls selling everything.

I am now in Darjeeling and still to explore. I'll update you all later (when I next find a fast connection).

Saturday, March 05, 2005

day 10

I've made tracks through Delhi, Lucknow and Allahabad.
I am now in Khajuraho. I hope here to visit an eco-friendly organisation. In the village they have banned the use of polythene bags as a measure to try and stem the disposal of the items into the environment.
I have noticed so far that in certain tea stalls use fired clay cups. These are very simple to make and are disposed of after use. The same applies to food stalls which use pressed leaf bowls.
I makes me wonder why we (In the west) ever thought of using polystyrene. The waste and harm they cause does not seem like progress to me. We need to use appropriate materials for the task at hand.
I have also found the temples of Khajuraho amazing. They are covered from top to bottom with statues and pattern blocks which are cut as if they are modern constructions. The blocks repeat themselves with a strong awareness of the need to be mass-produced. There are at least twelve large temples here. They have given me ideas for fired terracotta objects.

My thoughts and ideas are developing as a travel. I hope to have more new opinions to write soon.